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The FIPSE-6 Meeting took place on June 17-19, 2024

It was a great success, as were all the previous five meetings.

Forty-four (44) participants, along with 22 spouses,
met in Western Peloponnese
to discuss the open research problems in three important research areas.

Most participants were from Europe and the USA,
as well as Brazil, New Zealand, China, and Australia.

FIPSE-7 is planned for the end of June 2026


Future Innovation in Process System Engineering (FIPSE) aims to provide a framework for researchers to come together and discuss selected topics in some depth, reflect on their accomplishments, and postulate future developments. The emphasis will, therefore, be on discussions rather than presentations and the future rather than the present and the past.

This is the sixth in a series of FIPSE conferences, which aims to look into the big open research and educational challenges in the area of Process Systems Engineering.

FIPSE-6 Scientific program

Daily topics and invited talks

Monday, 17 June 2024

PSE for Digital Sustainability

Digital Sustainability Tools for Future Chemicals and Fuels

Challenges in Decarbonization and Circularity of Industrial Clusters

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

PSE for Synthetic Biology

Challenges and Opportunities in Feedback Control of Living Cells

Self-driving Laboratories to Autonomously Navigate the Protein Fitness Landscape

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

PSE for Process Electrification

To What Extent will Decarbonization Deepen the Conversation between Industry and the Grid?

Decarbonization through Process Electrification:  An Industrial Perspective on Challenges Across Technologies and Scales

Check out the full program

Conference Location

The Hotel

FIPSE-6 will be held at the unique Aldemar Olympian Village and Spa, a 5-star resort in Western Peloponnese overlooking the Ionian Sea. Right on the long award-winning sandy beach of Skafidia, the 350-acre resort nestles within landscaped lush gardens surrounded by palm, olive, and pine trees. Boasting both indulgence and a feeling of openness to nature makes your stay in this historical land of Greece an unforgettable experience.

Learn more about the conference location

Two cultural trips

Archaeological Site of Olympia — Sunday 

The site of Olympia, in a valley in the Peloponnese, has been inhabited since prehistoric times. In the 10th century B.C., Olympia became a center for the worship of Zeus.

Tour to the temple of Apollo Epicurius — Tuesday 

The temple was built at the height of the Greek civilization in the second half of the 5th century BC (420-400 BC). It was dedicated to Apollo Epicurius by the Phigaleians, who believed the god of sun and healing had protected them from plague and invasion.

Learn more about the two cultural tours

FIPSE Trustees

Christos Georgakis
President (2012-24)

Tufts University, USA

Dominique Bonvin
Treasurer (2012-24)
EPFL, Switzerland
Prodromos Daoutidis
Trustee (2014-26), Secretary
University of Minnesota, USA
Claire Adjiman
Trustee (2020-26)

Imperial College London, UK

Michael Baldea
Trustee (2021-27)

University of Texas - Austin, USA

Benoit Chachuat
Trustee (2021-27)

Imperial College London, UK

Michael Doherty
Trustee (2012-24)
UC - Santa Barbara, USA
Jay Lee
Trustee (2014-26)

U. of Southern California, USA

Jason Mustakis
Trustee (2021-27)

Pfizer Worldwide R&D, USA

Costas Pantelides
Trustee (2013-25)

Siemens Process Systems Engineering, UK


Great workshop!

Excellent networking with sharing ideas and future prospective. Such workshops are very important to shape the direction of the PSE research.

Anonymous (FIPSE-4)


This is an unusual workshop and a very impressive one. Enjoyed the discussions a lot and learned a lot. Thanks for organizing

Anonymous (FIPSE-4)

Most Informative

FIPSE was the most informative and rewarding conference I have been to as a graduate student. The change of format really suited the content, and by running a series of cohesive talks, followed by ample discussion time, I found I could take away much more useful information than a regular conference session. Couple this with a spectacular venue and FIPSE was a fantastic success

Anonymous (FIPSE-4)

Excellent, New Kind … Magnificent Setting

This excellent, new kind of conference that you organized in the magnificent setting of the Western Peloponnese seems a long time ago now and I am now mired in current my day job as an HOD. Anyway, I found this one of the most stimulating and valuable conferences that I have attended because of its focused nature and the ability to meet and interact with all the speakers and participants

Bernt Young (FIPSE-1)
New Zealand

Refreshing Air of Reflection

Comparing with what one gets in the established conferences, a refreshing air of reflection

Anonymous (FIPSE-1)

Learned a lot

“When I first arrived at the conference, I was a bit star-struck and intimidated by all of the impressive leaders in the field present. … Through discussions with many of the attendees, I learned a lot about the research process and different problems in PSE. Since the conference, I feel much more confident in my ability to network with others in the field, and I also have some extra motivation and ideas for my own research. ​The conference, both the work and fun parts, were organized outstandingly. …”.

Jenna Fromer (FIPSE-5 graduate student attendee)

Really unique event

“Really unique event done with a good balance of humor and serious work. Thank you for keeping the event moving despite the two postponements. It is important to do this brainstorming as PSE [moves to the] next decade”

Iino Harjukoski (FIPSE-5)

Structure extremely valuable

“As an industry participant, I found the symposium structure extremely valuable; good mix of talks and discussions; input from prospective industrial actually possible”.

Toms Vetter (FIPSE-5)

Enjoyed the discussions

“I very much enjoyed the discussions. They helped me to identify future research topics.”

Arthur Schweidtmann (FIPSE-5)

Best conference ever!

“Absolutely loved the format, focus on discussions… Best conference ever!  Big thanks to the trustees for opening up the conference to young people”.

Damian van de Berg (FIPSE-5 graduate student attendee)


“It was one of the best FIPSE conferences organized. Excellent selection of thematic topics. Excellent organization. Excellent discussions. Excellent hospitality.”

Anonymous (FIPSE-5)

Hesitated to come, but

“Excellent. I hesitated to come, but now I am hesitating to leave.”

Anonymous (FIPSE-5)